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Old 01-26-2017, 7:43pm   #21
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Originally Posted by Fasglas View Post

BTW: Speaking of kiddies, it's TRUMP, T-R-U-M-P, TRUMP. Got it?
Hahahaha......for YEARS I've seen most of you call/spell Bush and Obama every abortion of they're names under the sun and now you get butt hurt because I put an extra letter in Strumps name? Get a life!
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Old 01-26-2017, 8:57pm   #22
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Originally Posted by Kerrmudgeon View Post
Hahahaha......for YEARS I've seen most of you call/spell Bush and Obama every abortion of they're names under the sun and now you get butt hurt because I put an extra letter in Strumps name? Get a life!
Really? Show me where I personally did that.

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Old 01-26-2017, 9:30pm   #23
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Originally Posted by Fasglas View Post
Really? Show me where I personally did that.

Same here. I may not like someone but making fun of their name and physical characteristics is little more than schoolyard crap and the sign of a weak argument.
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Old 01-26-2017, 9:32pm   #24
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I remember a long time ago when some dude posted this:

Guidelines For A Pleasant Vette Barn Experience
We’re not big on rules here. The Vette Barn was created to allow members of the Corvette Community to have a place to go where they can enjoy the camraderie of their friends in an adult setting without fear of oppressive and juvenile rules and totalitarian behavior from Moderators and Administrators.

I mean really...we’re all comrades-in-arms in the hobby, so why the ego?

That said, these are some general guidelines as to how to conduct yourself while in the Barn. We ask that you have a modicum of respect for your fellow members, a skin that's thicker than a layer of paint and a sense of humor as well. Be as quick to laugh at yourself as you are to laugh at others. Have some compassion when it's needed or warranted. And adhere to these guidelines not just "as written," but also "as intended." In return, we’ll make the assumption that most of you are capable of acting like adults and as such, try not to turn the guidelines into an anti-trust document. Everyone can have a good time while keeping some semblance of order so that the site doesn’t turn into an electronic mosh pit. Common sense is the watchword here.

We reserve the right to add, delete or modify these guidelines as time goes on and as the need arises.

Thanks for your support.

Family Friendly? Work Friendly? YOU Be The Judge...

The Vette Barn is not...repeat NOT...a site that we encourage those under the age of eighteen to spend any time at. This is an adult environment, and we most certainly do not subscribe to all that "family friendly" nonsense that other forums use as a means by which to punish people. We are also not so delusional as to think that we are the internet police. Your computers are in YOUR homes, and if you have children and feel that the content here is inappropriate for them, it's up to YOU to exercise your parental authority and prevent them from viewing this site. Likewise, if you think that looking at this site at your workplace might possibly get you in trouble, it might be a good idea to not do it. A little common sense goes a long way.

Account Closures/Banning/Multiple ID's

The Barn's policies regarding banning and account closures are fairly simple. We view banning as a last resort, and that threat will normally not be made unless of course it's clearly warranted or that it's obvious to all involved that it is being done with humor and/or in line with the lighthearted nature of a thread. Generally speaking, we do not close members accounts. People get upset, lose their resolve, miss their friends, whatever. Things happen, and our egos are not so fragile that we need to "teach you a lesson" by closing your account.

With that in mind, anyone who announces "I'm done with this forum" or "I'll never come back" or "You won't see me again" or any other sort of departure message is free to leave, and you're also free to return. Likewise, if you say "Please close my account" or "Shut my account down" or anything of that sort, then we will do so as well. HOWEVER, be assured that under those circumstances, we'll have a conversation before you'll be permitted jump back in the pool unless an understanding was reached at the time we closed your account.

Please note however, that any threat of physical violence, whether overt or implied, or an unprovoked, high level attack on a member will most likely buy you an immediate ticket to the door.

We would also ask that you only use one member name. Despite what some folks might think, this is not the French Foreign Legion and you can't go changing your identity as often or more often that you change your underwear. Pick a name and stick with it. If we find a member with multiple names, we'll ask you to choose one. If you don't, we'll choose it for you.

A Word About Free Speech and the First Amendment

We like to think that we're pretty lenient here as compared with many other sites on the internet. This has as much to do with the fact that most of us have known (or known of) each other for many years as it does our desire to have a fairly unrestricted atmosphere where folks...FOR THE MOST PART...can say what's on their minds. There will always be a few for whom this is not enough and who feel that this should be a "no holds barred" site. The short answer to that is: Not gonna happen, and no amount of overt or subliminal posting of messages complaining about it will change things. Let's face it...freedom of expression is a nice idea, but in reality there really is no such thing and we all know that. Most people who practice true freedom of expression usually wind up in jail, dead or with the crap beaten out of them. Don't think that's true? Go to Harlem and stand on a streetcorner with a bullhorn and start talking about how you don't like black people. Be sure to let us know how that free speech works out for you once you come out of your coma.

For those on this site who feel that their 1st Amendment rights are being trampled on, or who feel that this is grossly unfair or stifles their creativity, your choices are to find a site where you feel less restricted and post there, start your own site and call your own shots, or post here and live within the few reasonable guidelines we've established.

Reporting A Post

If something really hacks you off, you have the option of reporting the post. This will generate a message in the Moderator section at which point the staff will investigate the complaint. However, please be aware that reporting a problem doesn't constitute any guarantee that we'll act upon your complaint. Generally speaking, we're going to let the petty squabbles that come out of a community such as this take care of themselves. The aforementioned thick skin and the option (on your part) NOT to participate in a given thread that gives you an ulcer are the best ways to handle things. Sometimes, however, things will get out of hand, and when that happens we'll take all likelihood before anyone has to make a report.

Barn Charities

While we at the Vette Barn feel that it's important to be charitable, we do not feel that it's our job to dictate to the members who they may and may not donate to. Likewise, anyone who would prevent members from raising money for their favorite charities just makes them a real jerk.

Let's face it...the reason we're all here is because of the Corvette. It all comes down to the car. And the central organization for the hobby is the National Corvette Museum. We at the Barn feel that over the years, the NCM has been short changed by some forums, and it is for this reason that Gary (VB's patron saint) has asked that we support the NCM as our charity.

This should not preclude anyone from raising money here. If you have something to auction, or a benefit event coming up for a charity near and dear to your heart, please let us know and we'll make it a sticky. You'll have to handle the logistics yourself, but you can feel free to use the Barn as a means to get the word out.

Babe Pics

Everyone loves Babe Pics. Even some babes love Babe Pics. We have dedicated a section for posting PG-13 pics of ladies who we feel should be admired for

Access to this section, as well as Behind The Barn discussions, is by request. Click on your User CP link. Then click the Group Membership link and request membership to Behind the Barn.

Once a membership is requested, a Moderator will approve it, and away you go. Once approved, you must adhere to the guidelines set forth in that section.

Oh...and ladies...fair is fair, and nothing should preclude you from starting a thread to post pics of all those hunky guys you’d love to find yourself with (even if they are usually a bunch of homos ).

Holiday Greetings and Salutations

We all have our favorite flavor of the almighty to communicate with and wishing each other a Merry, Happy, Joyous <insert your favorite holiday here> is expected and encouraged. However, threads that are thinly veiled attempts at proselytizing will be moved to PR&C immediately if not closed altogether. Whether anyone likes it or not, there are all kinds on this site and the fact is that some don't care to be preached to, especially during the holidays. We would expect you to respect this fact as much as you would expect us to support your celebration of a given holiday.

By the same token, do not go into a thread which is clearly designed to send holiday greetings and crap all over it by arguing semantics or picking a fight simply because you dislike the thread starter or the thread itself.

If you can't figure out the difference between a friendly holiday greeting and preaching, we suggest that you go back to Sunday School, or Hebrew School, or whatever religious school it is you go to and have your spiritual leader explain it to you. We're pretty sure, however, that most here are smart enough to figure out when something that they post might trigger controversial responses.

The Mention of Other Forums

Members need not be worried about mentioning or linking to other forums. The Vette Barn considers forums such as Corvette Forum, Banned Camp, Corvette Action Center and so on to be simply another location on the net. Giving a person a hard time for mentioning or linking to another innocuous site is juvenile. We do ask however, that you refrain from linking to sites which contain pornographic or otherwise objectionable material.


There are limits to everything, but free speech is for the most part encouraged here. Many of us start threads about our experiences (some good but mostly bad) at other forums. It's healthy to vent, but it can get old too. If you start a thread railing against another location on the web, we'll let it go until it's pretty clear that it has lost a significant amount of interest. Then we'll move it down to BtB Off-Topic for those who wish to continue the conversation. And for those who think it's wrong to discuss matters from other forums here, well...don't click on the thread, K? This actually applies to any thread that you think might give you heartburn. Find another thread, be happier.

Administrators and Moderators

How the above guidelines are applied and/or enforced shall be at the discretion of the Moderating staff. Most of the time, they'll get it right. Sometimes, they'll get it wrong, but they are always working in the best interests of the Vette Barn and its members. They donate their time and effort for the good of the site. They're your friends. In some cases your neighbors. We like to think we're something of a family here.

Don't call them out in an open thread, OK? Just don't.

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Old 01-26-2017, 10:25pm   #25
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Originally Posted by bill_daniels View Post
I remember a long time ago when some dude posted this:
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Old 01-26-2017, 10:41pm   #26
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Originally Posted by Iron Chef View Post
I guess I could have just asked everyone involved in this train wreck of a thread to take a :chillpill:

Edit: when did we lose the chill pill smilie?

I'm going to notify President Trump about this injustice, forthwith.

Make VB smilies great again!
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Old 01-26-2017, 11:01pm   #27
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Originally Posted by bill_daniels View Post
I guess I could have just asked everyone involved in this train wreck of a thread to take a :chillpill:
Why is it a train wreck? Because people disagree? Because some debate more forcefully than others? The reason they move a thread here is so that people can debate a polarizing issue to their hearts content.

I like you Bill, and while I no longer speak for the Vette Barn, I think you missed this part of what I wrote so many years ago:

Generally speaking, we're going to let the petty squabbles that come out of a community such as this take care of themselves. The aforementioned thick skin and the option (on your part) NOT to participate in a given thread that gives you an ulcer are the best ways to handle things.
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Old 01-28-2017, 9:11am   #28
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Originally Posted by boracayjohnny View Post
Look at the position of the POTUS in this picture. He's behind the "Technician" and lower than everyone that calls him "Sir/Boss". I know often image isn't what really goes on but if I was POTUS, my position here would be much different.

Like his B Cert. that is a lousy photo chop.......he was NOT on that.....

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