View Full Version : Bush's biggest regret-not privatizing S.S.

10-22-2010, 1:48pm
George W. Bush regrets not reforming Social Security - Simmi Aujla - POLITICO.com (http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1010/44021.html) the same guy that said "Wall Street got drunk" when asked what caused the financial collapse would give them our Social Security to gamble with. :skep:

10-22-2010, 2:00pm
I like it ... the entire right-wing since 2000/Bush ... (should Reagan had never happened, America would be in it's rightful place as the hegemonic example) ... as a sad tragedy plays itself out day in and day out cutting it's own throat on it's own volition ...

Again, goes to one of the damndest things' the exotix ever saw ...


10-22-2010, 2:08pm
about 1/3 of SS recipients are pretty much destitute without it. orphans,widows,handicapped etc. these bastards on Wall Street are eying all this money & saying to one another "you know, we could make a helluva lotta $$ with that. :skep: