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Old 03-07-2011, 12:51pm   #36
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Some of the funniest responses are the ones not intended to be funny.

ALL KIDDING ASIDE, we were planning to try and conceive a couple months from now, May-ish, because the timing of birth would be perfect. She's finishing up med school this summer, will be doing residency interviews this fall, and will begin residency next summer.

BUT, things happened yesterday, and she basically (admittedly too) tricked/seduced me into unprotected relations.

I'm kind of freaking out, from the combination of simple fear of the unknown never being a father before, but also because the timing would be a little less ideal. She'd still be up here alone and doing her clinical rotation for about 1/2 the pregnancy if yesterday's romp was successful, biologically speaking.

She's the expert I suppose (or at least will be officially in a few months when she graduates) and says it will be fine, but I'm kind of concerned.

The feelings I am having are weird and new. I could find that it's all moot anyway in the next few weeks, but you never know.

How in the hell I am going successfully fill the father role? I can barely take care of myself. If she is pregnant and we have to be apart until Mid July, how am I going to keep from constantly worrying?

This was seriously the most UN-gratifying sex ever. So many concerns are racing through my thoughts. It's even more aggravating that she is completely unconcerned. Panic loves company I guess???
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