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Old 04-18-2024, 9:27am   #2598
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Now let's look at another part of this "math":

Since you decided to inflate the mileage to 55k per year to try to fudge the gas cost numbers, what you failed to realize that 55k miles per year, 220 miles per day is not happening with a lawncare trailer in a "truck" without a charge... oops.

What that means is that they will without question have to stop and charge it for at least an hour every single day. Let's also not forget to add the time and mileage to drive to wherever you can actually charge it. Let's add the cost of paying to charge it every day. Let's add the time to disconnect and reconnect your trailer every day (to actually get into a charger). Drive time, parking, and unhooking/reattaching is at minimum another 30 minutes.

10 trucks, At LEAST 15+ hours of operational availability lost per day. Not only have you now lost 15 hours of jobs, you also got to pay every worker who is sitting doing nothing in addition to adding 10 paid charges per day.

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