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Old 02-24-2011, 7:02pm   #87
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Originally Posted by RedLS1GTO View Post
I said I was going to stay out of this... but wow. Just wow.

Who the hell ever said auto insurance was socialist? If you are saying that I did, please show me where. Stop trying to make an argument where there isn't one.

...although that is pretty much how you operate. You twist what somebody says, and then argue with it. I'm actually impressed that you actually made a post without the word teabagger in it somewhere. You talk about losing shock value... you guys can't go more than a few posts without insulting Palin or the Tea Party, EVEN WHEN THEY AREN'T EVEN RELEVANT TO THE TOPIC! You don't discuss facts. You don't debate ideals. you insult those who don't agree with you and then congratulate yourself like you accomplished something and proved something.

I have given multiple reasons why the comments comparing health insurance to auto insurance were wrong. The only thing even remotely resembling a counter point was the comment by Chas about it affecting others (although indirectly as opposed to the direct affect of auto). The rest is argument with absolutely zero substance.

Pay attention. I'm the one saying that health care and auto insurance are NOT related. But hey... don't let the facts stand in the way of your backwards ass argument. I didn't say anything about being a socialist for shock value.

-Even by your pal Exotix definition, socialism is "a psuedo-govt. regulated economy."

-Our President continuously pushes for more and more regulation... more regulation than this country has ever seen. (if you deny that you are an idiot)

It isn't hard to figure out why the word gets used when describing him. It isn't some blanket insult word (like the many you have for those who disagree with you). It is a direct observation of his policies and what he pushes for.

People who agree with these agendas getting defensive at the word socialist is the equivalent of the guy who stabs somebody getting defensive about the word murderer.

Now... I'm out. I just can't comprehend how you feel that the government telling us more and more what to do and how to do it is a good thing. It absolutely baffles me. I guess a whole lot of other people over the course of history have felt that way too.
you brought up the "s" word,not me. in case you didn't know, it's the government's job to protect the people. if that means making health care affordable to all when millions of families desperately need it,so be it. the private sector has royally ****ed it up & it's time for government to step in & do it's job.
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