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Old 05-20-2020, 9:47pm   #1986
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Originally Posted by Little Red L98. View Post
Same thing. Free country. It’s a matter of choice that those who partake understand and accept the risk. Most take reasonable precaution. Sometimes they take others out. I don’t think anyone who got infected with COVID chose or accepted the risk. They got it from carelessness of themselves or others.

The virus mutates quickly and science hasn’t figured out how to control it. It’d help if the populace cooperated more.
There are VERY critical statistics, and I may be repeating something I posted elsewhere, that are NOT being considered and not part of the questioning process. What we don't know...

How many died AFTER the lockdown and never went back to work or shopping?
How many cases were people that washed vigorously and religiously and sanitized?
How many people had kids?
How many worked as essential workers?
How many were in high risk work (a friend that is an electrical inspector for the city encounters DOZENS of different people every day) vs people who worked with the same 4 or 5 people day in and day out?

There are dozens of questions that aren't asked and it is my FIRM belief it is because it REALLY doesn't matter. If they don't rank particular common threads or rank exposure risks, then they can make the risk as big as they want and it can't be disputed.

Again, at the risk of repetition...I work with 25 people and I go out t get lunch each day to about a half dozen places. I see the same people in my office and the same people in the drive thru. I have about a half dozen - dozen people I interact with on Facebook, many here and at the other place. I make an assumption that I am reasonably typical in that circle of communication, with each person I communicate with. Yet in that entire network of my 40 people, and each of my close friends 40 people, I think I know of ONE case that is a friend of a friend, that has had it and got over it and NO ONE that has died.

I began to wonder whether the number is even real. I mean seriously, it's not like they scroll names every evening of that day's victims and even if they did, NO ONE knows all of them. For all we know there could be 10,000 deaths. Who would EVER know?

Yeah it's sounds whacko, but what about this situation DOESN'T sound whacko?

Bill Gates the Microsoft guy - Vaccine expert
Greta Munchkin - Covid public speaker on CNN
Fauci, who hasn't had an actual patient in two decades, painting constant doom and gloom
The CHINESE selling US masks for THEIR virus
Centers for the Arts getting emergency COVID funds

I could go on and on, but this is theater of the absurd and to see EVERYTHING they have gotten WRONG, will not allow me to follow their instructions.

If I gave you directions to my house and you passed the same gas station 4 times, tell me you'll just go "Oh well, this is the way he said to go" and make another 5 loops around? I sure hope not. I hope you'd say Fk this, I'm not doing anything until someone gets their shit together.

If the captain of a sinking boat tells you the way to keep it afloat is to set it on fire...who the hell would listen? I hope NO ONE would.
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