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Old 03-01-2018, 7:39am   #2
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Originally Posted by bill_daniels View Post
I have an older Egyptian AK, bought during the ban period, so it came with 10 rd mags. I bought a cheapo 30 rd mag at the time that never seemed to cycle correctly, yet the factory 10 rounders worked fine.

I'm going to try a 3rd gen Magpul and an original Egyptian mag and see how those work. Any other suggestions?

Also, any AR deals out there, or is this a bad time? Prefer Colt, S&W or Springfield w/Magpul furniture.

Edit: Anyone know what's up with the Sig 320 and the dropping issue? I see there was an almost immediate fix, but are the 320's sold now reworked, built with the new "fixed"parts, or originals that will have the dropping issue?
Must be a super bad mag, as those guns are totally idiot proof, which makes them very dependable. Literally millions of mags available for that gun, go get a couple that work right!-
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