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Old 03-27-2024, 9:13pm   #2210
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Originally Posted by RedLS1GTO View Post
Since idealistic honesty is what you expect... let me ask a question.

How many people trading in a car are honest about it? How many disclose everything wrong? What percentage do you think tell you the truth?

Save your breath. The answer is f**king 0. 0%. If you're trading in a car you are doing everything you can to get as much for it as possible. You hope they miss the dings dents and scratches. You hope they don't hear the rattles. You hope they don't see the bumper repaint. That shit goes both ways.

Save the unicorn and rainbow bullshit for someone else.
Used cars are a whole different thing. If a dealer accepts a trade, they will do their due diligence and inspect the car. I doubt that any dealer will take a seller by their word.
There are different expectations when you buy from a private individual than if you buy from a business. Some small scumbag dealers are changing mileage on cars to sell them more expensive. About 15 years ago, I was looking at used cars for the wife. I checked some cars at smaller dealers and the mileage on the car seems low. Turns out that when I ran the carfax, the dealer bought the car at the auction with 250k miles and when they listed it for sale, it was listed with 95k miles. They switched out the computer from a lower mile car of the same model.
Shady corner lot dealers are often not to be trusted. Mileage rollback is very common.
Expectations are quite different if you shop at a small car lot or from a private individual or a new car dealership. This still doesn't make it ok for used car lot dealers to roll back miles and hope that buyers don't run a carfax.
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