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Old 05-24-2013, 10:39am   #15
The Hooptie Whisperer
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Originally Posted by Cybercowboy View Post
And true liberals should be outraged that the feds injected themselves into this whole thing, including Obama and Holder. That alone corrupts our criminal justice system to a point where it is unrecognizable from that of a banana republic. That and the attempt to use the race card to railroad a man into prison, and to also use this cause celebre to diminish the rights of legal gun owners in Florida and ultimately elsewhere.

But, it seems, actual liberals are more comfortable slurping up the media's creation of this story instead of focusing on the obvious, bare facts of the case. It's almost as if they just wish things to be a certain way, and then act as if they are. Surely they could never find themselves in a life or death situation! That only happens to bad people.
Its the Obama Regime's favorite saying..."Never let a good tragedy go to waste"
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