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Old 04-29-2013, 8:51pm   #10
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Originally Posted by Z06PDQ View Post
looks like Obama is the worst socialist in history.
Pretty much. The kind that also kisses Wall Street's behind.

He campaigned on "Main Street" v. "Wall Street" language. His policies have ****ed over the former and favored the latter.

Of course in fairness it's not ALL him. Uncle Ben is happy to saddle Main Street with future pain to prop up the stock market for his dear friends.

Meanwhile unemployment has not recovered at all, as U3 has been rendered meaningless by the unprecedented and continual decline in LFPR. It's a brave new world, a "new normal" brought about by Obamanomics.

People are suffering, well except for the people on Wall Street who bought and paid for their glamorous neo-liberal POTUS.

Ignorant leftists railed against Romney for making his OWN coin, 40 million or so, as a Capitalist. Yet it's OK with them that Obama received hundreds of millions of unearned dollars in to be a lackey for the worst Wall Street has to offer, the limousine liberals who screw over America for their own ends.
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