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Old 03-08-2013, 7:32am   #32
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Originally Posted by NEED-A-VETTE View Post
Sex for headache relief. Gets the endorphins and such going. Serious.
Wife picked up a cold and a stomach virus simultaneously from the Hospital (Working in pediatrics this month) and has lost 6 pounds this week.



Easy Lazy Recipe Incoming --- I'm sure I'm not the 1st person to think of this, but I made Chicken Parmesan a couple nights ago, and at the grocer yesterday trying to think of new and exciting ways to cook chicken, I had a stroke of genius: MEXICAN CHICKEN PARMESAN!!!!

Get some Guacamole and Salsa from the produce section, NOT the aisles. You want the fresh stuff with very short shelf life. I use the "Wholly" Brand. Very little carbs and sugar added to the salsa. Guacamole can be had in easy portion control 100 calorie packs. This recipe is for 2 since I cook for Mari and I.

Will's Salsa Chicken:
1. 2 Chicken Breasts: Butterfly and pound just a little bit flatter. Just a few fist pounds in the middle where they're thickest.
2. Coat each chicken breast w/ a mix of 1 tablespoon flour, 1 teaspoon garlic powder, 1 teaspoon cumin
3. Fry until golden on each side in a pan w/ a bit of olive oil or coconut oil if you don't mind the slight taste, b/c coconut is healthier. I'll provide the nutrition info w/ olive oil though.
4. Place both chicken breasts in a foil-lined pan and cover w/ 1/4 cup shredded cheddar. Preferably extra sharp, as medium cheddar will be drowned out by other flavors and unnoticeable.
5. Place in pre-heated 350 degree oven for 10 minutes.
6. While baking, in your still hot frying pan finely dice and fry a bell pepper. I used an orange one. If you're not a pansy like me and can take heat, use hotter peppers of some sort.
7. Prepare your plates: 100 calorie pack of chilled guacamole spread in a circle in the middle of each plate. On top of this, the diced pepper. On top of this, the chicken breasts you pull out of the oven, on top of this 2 generous tablespoons of salsa. Delicious, and also looks great on a plate if your into that sort of thing.

700 Calories, 12g Carbs, 50g fat, 60g protein, 800mg sodium, 2g sugar (from the salsa).

Last edited by Will; 03-08-2013 at 9:37am.
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