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Old 11-20-2012, 11:31am   #6
Latin American Goat Roper
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Bantayan Kids '13
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After 20 years in electronics, I went into home remodeling, if I didn't get the bids, someone would, so I dunno just how many jobs I 'created' except for myself, and honestly,I could care LESS how many jobs I 'created'....I made a decent living at it for a decent time span.....

my workers/employees were paid on a 1099, and my subs got paid directly by customer.....keep it lo to the ground and points in any business, really.....

NOW I reveal a little known/thought of GOOD many of you know, SS retirement pay is dependent on the last ~3 years of highest reported earnings.....SO, if you own a company with an office, you bring in your wife and maybe daughter to run the office, and overpay them as much as you can .....get their retirement check up there....even if you take a pay cut.......then let them leave and stay home again, yes they DO have to show up for work every day.....

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