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Old 06-03-2012, 7:33pm   #31
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Originally Posted by joebuck View Post
Braves game?? I'm into the idea
I'm always up for a baseball game. Hell im going to two Yankees games next week and then a Cubs game the 5th of July.

Heres the problem with baseball games though. I'm not paying for a dozen or whatever tickets in advance just for people to bail last minute and me to be out money. I would think we would want tickets seated together and for a good size group to get decent tickets the day of on a weekend can be troublesome as well. We can get em but they may not be the best. Thats not a problem for me as i go to plenty of games but for people that dont go regularly they may want better tix We would all have to agree on a pricepoint. Then there is the fact that with people traveling the time of the game could be a problem. Saturday games are almost always at 4pm. That means the game will end at 8 pm. Sunday's tend to be at 1. Ideally if we were to do a game i personally would want to meet up offsite so we can pull in together and park together and tailgate and bullshit for a coulle hours before hand. Btw parking at ballgames sucks so be warned.

Let me know what you guys might want to do.
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