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Old 01-09-2011, 6:48pm   #92
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Default (R-Idaho) Raul Labrador ~ *We have Crazies on both sides*

Politicians split on meaning of Giffords shooting.

Tone of debate in the country partly to blame for violence, or the work of a deranged individual?


Politicians split on meaning of Giffords shooting - Politics -

The reverberations of Saturday’s shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz., rumbled through Washington as shocked members of Congress focused on the state of the nation’s political discourse.

The early reactions unveiled a split between those who said the shooting reflected the passionate tone of partisan debate in the country and others who said the rampage that killed six people was the work of a deranged individual.

On NBC’s Meet the Press Sunday, a fellow member of the Arizona delegation, Republican Rep. Trent Franks said it was ironic that when Giffords “was out doing her job as a member of Congress, some deranged degenerate shot her down. And I will tell you that I think that’s an attack not only on freedom and the country itself; it’s an attack on humanity.”

(Read continues in Link)

Also ~ Neal Boortz pathetically weasling himself out of all his right-wing vitriol of hate by blaming Obama for this tragedy... (see todays Boortz)

Freshman Republican ~ Rep. Raul Labrador, R- Idaho, just elected last November, said ...

“We have to be careful not to blame one side or the other, because both sides are guilty of this.
You have extremes on both sides.
You have crazy people on both sides.”

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