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Old 03-09-2012, 10:36am   #45
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...and as to the original post, oil is the fuel of the past but it is also the fuel of the present.

Is it the fuel of the future? Most likely not but you can't FORCE change. When another source becomes econimocally viable and profitable, it will happen. Until then, it won't, no matter how much the douche bag in the White House talks about it. I don't know why liberals can't seem to get this simple concept through their head.

You can't force technology that doesn't yet exist. Ethanol is the PERFECT example of trying to force something that anybody who knows math at even a 6th grade level can see simply isn't viable. Yet we keep spending billions on it with the result being LESS efficient cars with the stupid ass blends and as a kicker we get higher food prices because the grain is being used elsewhere. Brilliant.
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