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Old 12-08-2010, 10:27am   #59
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Originally Posted by Peter Pan View Post
You are wrong here, a super majority means you can dictate as Obama, the Senate and House has done the last two years, there had been no working with the other side at all until after this Nov election, the Reps got to ride in the back of the bus. Now with Obama not going to be able to dictate starting in Nov is already on the campagin trail, hostage taking is for the enemy not for the other political party, he is waging war against half of America with those statements. I resent my ideals being taken into context of war or a criminal as a hostage taker. After all I earn my $$ not you, not someone else or our elected officals. The current tax law takes more than its fair share, except for the poor who at the current levels pay zero federal taxes, seems the lower end does nothing to pay for itself and just takes from others freely and wants more.

I see you have served in the military and know without a doubt the Iraq did not have WMDs, I have no knowledge either way upon leaving the military, I do have knowledge what Iraq had while on active duty it was my area to report on, but you are the expert here, not congress or the federal govt that thought he had them. You seem to forgot as do most Americans the truck convoys going from Iraq to Syria before the start of the conflict, those are public, but then open sources are wrong to.

I am Taxed Enough Already ...

Dude, when did you have the epiphany that you were taxed enough already ?

Lemme guess, when Haliburton had to disguise itself as KBR so it could continue it's cost-plus billing of the U.S. Treasury for RPG Net shrouds for the U.S. Embassy in Iraq that Bush built for you with your taxes ...
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