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Old 11-30-2010, 2:47pm   #2
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Looks like McKook is about to head for the ICU ....

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Study: U.S. military can safely end ban on gays.
Defense Secretary Gates says military needs time to prepare for repeal.

Study: U.S. military can safely end ban on gays - Politics - More politics -

WASHINGTON — A repeal of the Pentagon's ban on openly serving gays can be implemented now, even in wartime, with little risk to the U.S. military's ability to do its job, according to a Defense Department study released Tuesday.

The results of the study dismissed or minimized concerns raised in Congress and some quarters of the military against President Barack Obama's plans to repeal the 17-year-old "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy — hopefully by the end of the year.

"We are both convinced that our military can do this, even during this time of war," concluded study authors Army General Carter Ham and Defense Department General Counsel Jeh Johnson.

Defense Secretary Robert Gates told Pentagon reporters on Tuesday that existing policies such as housing and spousal benefits for military service members "can and should be applied equally to homosexuals as well as heterosexuals."

Gates says he does not expect the Pentagon would have to rethink those policies to accommodate gays if they are allowed to serve openly in the military.

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