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Old 10-23-2010, 7:48am   #16
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Originally Posted by Z06PDQ View Post
dodging the subject will only get you=
Since those cuts are unsustainable, and you are clearly in favor of letting them expire at the end of this year....

Please announce to everyone in the USA that earns $35k or less annually, that their income taxes are going to rise 5% for 2011.

Please tell everyone that's married that you again support the tax penalty that comes with it. Two people are apparently worth less than two single exemptions.

Oh, and don't forget to tell those with dependent children Uncle Sam requires them to fork over $500 more for each child next year.

And while you're on a roll, tell the millions of unemployed folks that are maybe financially forced to sell an asset they held for a very long time, they too will once again be subject to Capital Gains tax.

Those are ALL part of the tax cuts set to expire soon.


Now, had you actually READ what I posted last night (here, I'll refresh your memory)
Originally Posted by Y2Kvert4me
Nope, Obama is not to blame for higher taxes, But much to your dismay, rumor has it Obama is likely to (or has) convinced congress to make most of the "Bush" tax cuts permanent. (expect big headlines of this nature in the next week or so).

And whaddaya know...posted just hours ago...echoing EXACTLY what I stated last night, that you so adamantly disagreed with:

So while you are so hell-bent on letting everything expire as they were "designed to do", what you failed to comprehend is that I gave Obama just enough credit to know that would never happen.

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