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Old 06-30-2010, 4:34pm   #21
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Originally Posted by Peter Pan View Post
Americans are right to wonder why Mr. Obama is underwriting in Brazil what he won't allow at home.

We need this in our country not with my $$ in another country that will then want to sell us there oil, again another example of a waste of the 53% of Americans who pay taxes to fund foregin business when we need jobs in America
Chances are this one of those same deals as the Bucyrus thread I posted.

These ExIm financing deals are contingent on using US produced equipment and products to make it happen. This does sustain and create jobs and production in the US, no matter where in the world the project is located.

The reality is the US really isn't out any money in doing these deals, you're certainly not sending your tax dollars overseas.

What deals like this are designed to do, is bring money into the country that offshore customers otherwise wouldn't have spent, or would have spent elsewhere in the world.

By arranging the financing, we entice them to do their business here, consume our products, and keep us employed and producing. Any side of the political spectrum can agree this process is a win-win deal for America (and has been for a long long time).

Think of it like this....if the Gov't offered creative financing options for those around the globe to entice otherwise "not interested" potential customers to buy American vehicles, you really need not care where those cars end up in the world. The fact we produced and sold the cars to someone that ordinarily wouldn't buy one is what matters.

I just don't see this as a topic of partisan debate. The rest of the world will continue building, digging, drilling, etc. with or without our assistance. How much of that big project money we can rope in is what matters, and is why we created the ExIm bank. If we don't grab that cash, someone else (China) will be more than happy to.

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