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Old 06-29-2010, 12:24pm   #4
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Originally Posted by Peter Pan View Post
His lack of leadership in crisis worries me as his failing as the CEO of America, his not ever holding a real job is now hurting American's
Wait a minute, hold on there, I’ll go with you part way on this, experience he lack but his intelligence in an abundance, more so than usual. In any leadership role, experience counts … real big. But having experience, but lacking intelligence is flat out dangerous, if not deadly. I have over 25 years Software Development experience, with 12 as a Manager and Director. Early on, what I lacked in experience, my intelligence carried me the rest of the way. The smartest thing an intelligent new leader can do is surround himself with more intelligent people and not just friends. I don’t think any reasonable person would pit George W. Bush against Barack Obama in an intelligence match. It wouldn’t be a far contest. Come-on now be honest

As far as how he’s handling a crises everyone other month, while trying to get our legislators to do anything but “nothing” … I’ll give him a C+ for tolerating and babysitting adults at the job. There are people we elected who’s entire existence as a legislator is to defy the Presidency, simply for political purposes. Anyone who denies that is lying to themselves or is part of the problem. But that’s politics … and he’s doing better than I would have at dealing with it and still concentrating on the job at hand.

The one thing I’m happy with him doing is that he’s killing all the typical Black Stereotypes and leaving a lot people with nothing else to do but show their true colors. You have to admit, he’s calm, cool customer. He doesn’t get rattled and he doesn’t fly off the handle and make rash decisions without first thinking them over. They may not be the decisions you like, but you can’t say he just popped off with a decision.

It’s been a pleasure sparing with you, but I have to go back to work … or actually get some work done … who does it is strictly up to me.

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