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Old 08-08-2011, 4:49pm   #43
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Originally Posted by Joecooool View Post
Being a defense contractor, I see incredible waste every day. The whole procurement system needs to be overhauled.

We have whole weapon systems that are nothing but pork barrel projects designed to keep jobs in powerful senators and congressmen's districts.

We have laws that force the government to spend millions of dollars more than they need to just to satisfy small business set aside requirements.

We have military units scrambling to spend every cent they have before October 1st on shit they don't need just so their budget for the next year isn't reduced.

We have the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines each with their own systems who refuse to work with the other services in order to keep more money in their own coffers.

Have you ever wondered why the F4 was the only aircraft the Air Force and Navy both bought?

We need a strong military, but not one that is so wasteful. Frank is right. There are many things that could and should be done to overhaul the military budget.
Pssst - the F-35 has Air Force, Navy, Marine and RAF versions. But it'll be killed as a high profile easy-to-target defense program and leave us with a front line fighter that is the 45 year old F-16.

Easier to simply redline a single program and feel good, rather than change the entire culture of procurement and budgeting.
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