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Old 05-11-2010, 8:43pm   #72
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Originally Posted by Z06PDQ View Post
the only people that don't have cars in our society are either in a rest home or can't afford to own one. even if they can't afford to own one as soon as they get a job they will be driving. I wanted to see Universal, Single Payer health care. I am fed up with $2,000 a minute crooks who profit from dying people. I say to hell with them. they had our business & they abused us to amass private fortunes. I would love nothing better than to see people who I consider no better than Bernie Madoff have to sell off their yachts, mansions & $3,000 hooker habits. of course, that didn't happen. what did happen was a watered down version of the original bill.
Are you talking Doctors or health insurance execs?

If Docs, you don't seem to have a lot a lot of respect for folks who kept their grades up through high school so they could get into 8 years of college and make daily decisions that affect whether other people live or die?

Health insurance stinks because of the lack of competition, not because it needs to be a single payer system. IF they had simplified a single national standard for coverage and a national pool for indigents covered by every private company they could have solved 90% of the issues and kept it from becoming the government disaster it will be in 5 years.

The other thing to do would be to require conversion of all medical insurance to be provided by mutual companies funded by members and having profits refunded to members rather than stockholders and board members. I'm a capitalist, but insurance should be for the public good and not profit motive.
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