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Old 05-01-2024, 7:19am   #5
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Originally Posted by Frankie the Fink View Post
In my time (degreed Computer Scientist) I knew prob 8-10 programming languages and also had a hardware background. Being an "expert" on specific applications is not a career-extending scheme. I can't tell you how many I've migrated, "browned-out", replaced with COTS or eliminated or did complete re-writes in a modern language/architecture (mostly during Y2K). I was a boss and had to let go a few folks that didn't keep their skills up - had a few that only wanted to keep programming in Clipper and dBase-III (ugh!)

Making yourself "layoff-proof" in a technology profession just comes with the turf.

If there is any way you can find another gig, DO IT NOW, before the applications are migrated as the smart people bail and find other work early, as soon as the writing is on the wall. Alternatively, use your 2 year window at THIS gig to get current, marketable skills via certifications, courses, etc..

A word to the wise, middle aged programmers/s-w engineers are not "hot commodities"; when some kid fresh out of school with the latest knowledge will work for 1/2 to 1/3 of your probable salary.

I would do that and not "cash in" my 401K at your young age. You have a long road ahead of you until retirement age. You'll miss tax-deferred growth over the next 5 years or whatever. I'm 73 and still haven't touched my 401K, but I'll have to by next April by law or pay a massive penalty...

HOWEVER, I am not a career or financial advisor, do not play one on TV and did not stay in a Holiday Inn Express !
If I leave, I walk away from $200k as I won't get my severance. I only want to work like 3 more years. I want to get laid off but would prefer 3 years from now.
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