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Old 04-29-2024, 1:15pm   #19
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Originally Posted by LATB View Post
He went to Florida on vacation…
And went home on probation…

He'll be under indictment....he hasn't been convicted of anything. Not sure how things work in FL for stuff like this, but the guy clearly admits guilt and probably wants to get out of it as fast as possible. If I understand correctly, the guy owns that FL house, so they're well off.

I don't see why this couldn't settle quickly if the dude makes enhanced restitution right away, rather than dragging it out, making the victim sue for damages, etc.

Have him pay to make the victim's vehicle better than it was right now by fixing the pre-existing damage and a total repaint, have him pay a fine, and give him probation for a year. I think that would be fair, and it would take the case off the docket. He'd have to be inconvenienced back home in NY checking in with a probation officer once a month, plus paying those fees.

And maybe FL will catch a break, and they'll sell the house there, because they won't want to be embarrassed every time they go there. Surely all the neighbors know what happened.
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