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Old 04-16-2024, 3:17pm   #58
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Here's what we NEED to do.

Stop screwing around in the ME. Remove bases and other US installations that are merely sitting duck targets. Recall the 4 black Georgia soldiers killed in Syria. Seriously, WTF are we doing in Syria? Trump pulled our troops from that country, because, like Reagan and Lebanon, Trump figured we had no business there and pulled out.

~stop funding bullshit wars, including the Ukraine and Gaza. Cut the money off, the killing stops
~immediately stop sending foreign aid to everyone, other than immediate humanitarian help in the event of a natural disaster......that's good practice for our military in case they need to do that here in the event of a natural disaster
~secure border, up to including lethal force (start out with walls, concertina wire, etc., defend with tear gas, LRAD's, bean bag rounds, rubber bullets, and finally, if none of that is working, live rounds, just like you'd expect to be shot to death if you forced your way onto a US military base)
~drill baby drill
~unleash the full potential of American energy
~reinstate Muslim travel ban
~ROBUST deportation program
~prohibit ANY dual citizen from holding any public office in America, including dog catcher
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