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Old 03-28-2024, 6:25pm   #1
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Unhappy Back the Blue, Until It Happens to You: Cop Assaults 76yo Homeowner

Oilton Police Department
5d ·
On the 9th of March, 2024, Sgt Beers received a phone call that several individuals who worked for OG&E were soliciting solar panels within the city limits.
The reporting party gave a description of 1 female and 2 males driving a car with Michigan Plates.
Sgt Beers made contact with the female subject involved on W. 6th St and informed that subject that they could not solicit without a permit.
The female subject stated she was with two other males that were driving around. The subject gave Sgt Beers a description of the vehicle that the other parties were driving which match that of the original reporting party.
A short time later, Sgt Beers was able to locate the vehicle and two male subjects parked in a driveway of a residence located on Westwood Ave.
Sgt Beers got out of his patrol vehicle to investigate and make contact with the two subjects as they were making their way back to their vehicle.
Sgt. Beers was speaking with the two subjects at this point while they were sitting inside of their vehicle when the homeowner started obstructing Sgt Beers investigation.
You will see in the video that Sgt Beers asked the homeowner several times to step back from him as the homeowner was showing aggression and threatened Sgt Beers with acts of violence.
Sgt Beers asked the neighbors across the street to assist him with calming the homeowner down to deescalate the situation before the homeowner was taken into custody to which they refused to help.
You will also hear at least two additional times in the video where the homeowner makes threatening acts of violence towards Sgt Beers.
Sgt Beers asked the homeowner to keep his hands out of his pockets and the homeowner refused.
Sgt Beers attempted to place the homeowner under arrest for obstruction and treating acts of violence at which point the homeowner resisted and made additional threats of violence stating,
“You put your hands on, I’m taking your Fxxking head off” while approaching Sgt. Beers.
The homeowner was instructed multiple times to turn around and place his hands behind his back and refused to do so.
Sgt Beers let the homeowner know this was a lawful order and the subject still refused.
As the homeowner is threatening Sgt Beers and approaching him Sgt Beers is forced for his own safety and the possible safety of the public to physically take the homeowner into custody.
The homeowner continued to resist trying to strike Sgt Beers with a fist and eventually kicking Sgt Beers.
The homeowner was eventually restrained from physically harming Sgt Beers at which point Sgt Beers believed the homeowner may be having a medical emergency.
Sgt Beers quickly responded by giving medical aid and calling for Emergency Medical Services.
You will clearly see Sgt Beers try to console the homeowner and give him life saving medication.
The homeowner is later loaded onto a medical bed and can be seen starring and growling at Sgt Beers.
It is unfortunate that these events had to take place but it is the opinion of this department that Sgt Beers acted accordingly based on training and officer safety as a Full Time State of Oklahoma CLEET certified police officer.
Video, but with commentary:

The officer was after some door to door salesmen that were apparently on this guy's property. Guy tells cop to get off his property, cop throws old guy down on the ground, apparently setting off a heart attack or something to the old guy.

I don't understand how the officer has a right to stay on the curtilage after being asked to leave by the homeowner. That's the crux of the confrontation, right there. I don't see how anyone could see this and not want the officer arrested and fired for this.
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