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Old 03-27-2024, 2:26pm   #2199
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Originally Posted by GrandSportC3 View Post
My concern is them getting inexperienced car buyers into the door and then they are playing a game where the customer is the beginner and they are the experts and the outcome is predictable. It's like luring the prey..
Your views of this are a simple minded caricature of reality. You're blaming a fork for making people fat. You can't bring yourself to accept that people don't make the same choices that you make. That's not the government's responsibility. It sure as shit is not the dealership's responsibility. Stop with the bullshit narrative that dealers are tricking people. Stop acting like the reason that people do stupid shit is because they are tricked, misled, or somehow coerced into it. You need a villain. There isn't one.

The part that you don't seem to understand is that DEALERS DON'T HAVE TO TRICK PEOPLE.

Try to let that sink in for a minute. Read it again. Slowly. Dealers don't have to "lure" unsuspecting customers and then blindside them with fine print. Dealers don't have to trick them to get them to come in. The idiots do it on their own accord.

The truth in lending statements that I posted are EXACTLY what you keep saying needs to happen. It is all of the information, no fine print, no tricks. Guess what, it doesn't stop them from taking terrible loans. Wake the f**k up and accept the fact that stupid people do stupid things and there is nothing that you, I, or the government can do to stop it.
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