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Old 03-22-2024, 11:24am   #1819
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Originally Posted by ptindall View Post
Drawing the conclusion that printing more money, which results in inflation makes one a free market hero is a giant nonsequiter. It makes zero sense.
Why does it matter HOW or WHY the prices rose?

Don't buy anything if you don't like it.

Shit, why not sell eggs for 40 bucks each? All it takes is for the egg suppliers to get together and make it so.

I'm just thankful for the education I am getting.

I had heard about price gouging and even experienced it myself, but it seems that was all a misconception. That was the free market. There is no such thing as price gouging. Now I know.

I also thought it was unethical and a horrendous act to raise critical meds from $35.00 to $750.00 for absolutely no reason than "because I can", but I was wrong. That was the free market.

How was I so blind? I love this new perspective on ever-increasing prices. It's a great day to be alive and experience this "free market".

I'm also appreciative of WalMart's drive to get rid of the little guys that are attempting to interfere with their free market efforts. WalMart knows best and they should be setting the standard. I'm happy that are around.
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