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Old 04-02-2011, 1:03pm   #7
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Originally Posted by Entropy View Post
I'm glad that the author took the time to describe the improvements to manufacturing that caused us to not need as many workers, and also included the fact that farmers now are more efficient at producing crops than at any other time in history.

Why am I in the public sector? Because when I was looking at jobs 5+ years ago, that's who I got calls back from, interviews and job offers. Maybe that's a critique on my abilities, or that's just the reality of the situation. Either which way, many of my friends who went to graduate school weren't thinking about industry afterwards, the instability of it after spending so much time and energy on the degree was a little nauseating. Most of them are in academia or research institutes.

I'm also finding that is incredibly hard to get out of where I'm at. I'm not getting call backs for the research jobs I apply for. It's making me wonder if I've been marked as "unfit" since I'm trying to come from the public sector. My accomplishments in labs don't seem to matter, not the critical thinking that went into those achievements. It's very frustrating.
Just hit your knees and be thankful you have a decent job.

It's a blood-bath out there.

I can attest to the ABSOLUTE TRUTH of this part:

Don't expect a reversal of this trend anytime soon. Surveys of college graduates are finding that more and more of our top minds want to work for the government. Why? Because in recent years only government agencies have been hiring, and because the offer of near lifetime security is highly valued in these times of economic turbulence. When 23-year-olds aren't willing to take career risks, we have a real problem on our hands. Sadly, we could end up with a generation of Americans who want to work at the Department of Motor Vehicles.
In an economy and nation now moving towards socialism, attitudes have changed. Many would gladly take a cushy .gov job and settle for guaranteed mediocrity. After all, if one takes risks and forges their own way, they will simply be punished and demonized by our Democrat overlords.

Toil and save for a home? Watch its value plummet due ti a bubble as socialists decided that those who don't put in the work should get a home-loan too.

Take a private sector job that seems attractive? Lose your livelihood and put your family's well being at risk as Democrats tax and regulate your employer to either extinction or outsourcing your job.

Stock-pile savings responsibly for your own retirement rather than relying on a govt. pension? Watch the value of your wealth dissipate as Democrats spend the nation into oblivion and devalue the currency.

Try to start your own manufacturing endeavor of some kind? See yourself fall prostrate before union thugs as Democrats strip you of your rights and force you to sit at a "bargaining" table with your hands chained behind your back.

Work for yourself as a professional? Bend over and pay the FULL portion of payroll taxes on yourself for a social security program that may not even exist when you reach retirement age.
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