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Old 02-09-2024, 5:38pm   #181
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Originally Posted by Vette40th View Post
USA and Russia can be great allies again.
Comment made on twitter.
I think its true.
Many political moves after WW2 caused the cold war.
If you watched the second, much shorter after interview snippet with Tucker, he talks about that. Russia, although Eastern European, and physically at least partially in Asia, is a Western nation. He didn't say it, but it's a predominantly WHITE Western nation, and should have been brought into the fold of NATO....a group of White, Western, Christian nations banded together for mutual defense.

Tucker notes that Putin is mad about the fact that after the fall of the Soviet Union, the West still treated them like an enemy, instead of bringing them into the fold with the former com-block countries like Poland and Hungary.

Trump said this, too. Remember? He correctly identified China, not Russia as the actual threat. We should have embraced Russia, but the Marxist left was having none of it, and ramped up the Russian boogieman narrative up to eleven. With Russia have shared cultural history. We listen to Brahms, and Bach, but also to Tchaikovsky and Rimsky-Korsakov.

The issue now is, maybe we are too late. Both America and Western Europe are actively destroying their White, Christian identities. The thing that we have in common with Russia is slipping away at an alarming pace.
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