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Old 04-29-2023, 10:09pm   #239
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Originally Posted by Giraffe (He/Him) View Post
Larry, attitudes in this country are changing about a great many things. We, (both of us) have to accept the fact what we held sacred isn’t as important to the generations behind us. I don’t like it, you don’t like it and few on this page like it.

We rail against the alphabet people while corporate America panders. Why? Why? Why are they willing to risk alienating us? The answer to me seems obvious; we don’t matter to them any longer.

You think Trump is the answer to our problems. Meanwhile he’s lost support of middle America with his childish antics. If -WHEN- he loses the upcoming election, don’t blame the media. Don’t blame cheating. Blame Trump. He’s too polarizing of a figure for middle America.
Will the LGBTQ market EVER...EVER be the size of the market of the normal people? Or are you saying that the eventual overall population will simply not care about tampons in men's rooms and twerking half naked for 5 year olds?
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