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Old 03-26-2023, 10:12am   #9
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Originally Posted by Frankie the Fink View Post
Not to excuse this bit of nonsense, but cops have to try to figure out if somebody is mentally ill, has a chronic condition, on prescription or illicit drugs or just plain goofy and the difference is not always apparent:
Originally Posted by Strats-N-Vettes View Post
Kinda like cops needing to immediately decide if a person is extremely drunk, or in diabetic distress.
I can see that it would be tough to evaluate medical issue v. drunk or high, all in an instant. Time would be the friend of anyone in that position, time to evaluate and investigate, time to formulate a plan of what to do about it. In this case, however, I can see an honest mistake, that no matter how much time our cop spent with that kid, he could still think the kid was on drugs. I get that. So then, it's a question of what's an appropriate response to a potential, at worst, public intoxication charge on someone who hasn't exhibited any danger to others, only perhaps, to himself.

Then there's the question about what this was. Was it community caretaking? Or was it a simple public intoxication investigation? Seems like a PI investigation, because if my interest was simply the well being of a kid, I don't think I'd intentionally hurt the kid I was trying to help.

I'd say body slamming a kid is a bit overkill, but apparently both the jury and the police investigators that looked at this video all felt it was appropriate.
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