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Old 02-12-2023, 2:55pm   #12
the new me
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Originally Posted by Louie Detroit View Post
Well, a cursory search revealed as far as gold teeth go, they do melt in the crematorium. Morticians aren’t allowed to extract teeth, so you would have to hire a dentist to extract them, and it would probably be difficult finding a dentist willing to do so anyway.

The average scrap value of a gold tooth is around a 100 bucks and it would probably cost many times this amount to hire someone to remove. I suppose you could try to remove them yourself with a pair of pliers, but I’m guessing that wouldn’t go over well with others involved.
I tried that when my grandmother died. I was really drunk at the viewing. The whole procedure sucked. Rigor mortis made it almost impossible to open her mouth far enough to get at the gold teeth. I brought a hammer and chisel with me too but somebody noticed when I was pulling them out of the tool bag and before you know it there was a big fight full of drunken mourners.

I was going to try again when my grandfather died, but they wouldn't let me near the body.

Nah, all that is pure BS. None of it happened. To the best of my recollection, that is.
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