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Old 08-17-2022, 3:36pm   #151
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Originally Posted by NotSlo View Post
Logan my Husky, 5-8-22 , not quite 5 years old
Originally Posted by Rodnok1 View Post
Lost my bestest fuzzy buddy...
Noki was between 11 and 12 years old.

We've always had Huskies so before Noki when the last old fella went(had a stroke and became partially paralyzed) I wondered if I'd ever get another doggo.
I was checking around and an ad popped up, dog named something stupid like Nissan... I kept seeing it for a few weeks so got a picture and went to see him.
Noki had been kept in 2x3 wire cage 4 ft inside a door for 9 months to a year easily. His sister owned the dog and got too big for her appt. They never let him out except to pee. He came out the door and jumped into my arms licking my face knocking me down. Whelp he liked us... The guy was an ass and I wasn't leaving without doggo at this point or he was taking a beating for treatment of dog. Threw money on ground after he said couldn't have collar, bowl, toys, bed.. Nothing. What an ass.
Noki had never been in car as I had to pick him up and put in back seat floorboards. Wife rode home in back with him, he couldn't figure out how to get on seat even.
He was terrified when got home with us, already decided since he was so friendly Noki was his name(short version buts mean friendly IIRC). Knowing he was a kennel dog I got the metal wire kennel out and setup. He was terrified.. He wouldn't sleep.. I had to lay next to him and pet repeating.. It's ok and he would fall asleep. Took a month I bet before slept on his own.
I weaned him off the kennel sleeping after 4 or 6 months.
One day after had him a while i was rough housing with our son(10 or so) and Noki came up and grabbed my wrist and pulled me away then jumped up next to him... Guarding him.
Over the next few months his guard dog came out and he figured out his love if his life was going to be my wife.
He would herd those 2 in the yard or the house to where he thought they should be. Started gaurding the yard and always put himself between them and danger(not sure but think I was on my own). After 6 months maybe he was and always will be mommas dog, constant shadow and protector.
He was a pack dog, everybody had their place. I was alpha he was beta, cubbie(our son) was lower maybe equal and momma well was always number 1.
He would insist on being dominated regularly or he'd get weird... Just like you see on wolf shows not kidding.
If he thought you required cleaning, you were cleaned like it or not. When the pack was home he was at peace.
Once he nipped the wife taking food (probably something sugary) and she got so mad she shunned him. I honestly thought he was going to die heartbroken right then. I had to get her to take him back into the pack after a couple days for fear he would lie down and die. Making me tear up the loyalty he had towards her....
This was his property and home and he patrolled it until a few days ago twice a day(unless raining as he'd rather take a beating than get wet). Nothing was allowed in yard that didn't submit.
We took alot of trips together him and I up north to friends house where he also ruled the roost.
A few years back he got sick all of a sudden, kidney problems from pesticides in food best vet and I could figure. Took months but he beat it. A kidney was damaged, it was found today and probably took a couple years off his life.
I started making his food then and will never buy commercial food for regular feedings to any dog.
Let me tell you Noki may have been half blind as when he ran around he'd usually run into something and usually that something was people, bad depth perception i guess. I would hide by a pole or something to avoid injuries. He couldn't jump hardly at all.
He would attack snakes and possums and dogs of any size if came around, pretty sure he would have taken a bear on. A box turtle bit his nose once and was afraid of even the itty bity ones after that, the big baby.
He wasn't fixed and playing once I may have slapped the dingle berries and pretty hard. He spun around... Uh oh... He was gonna lay me out.. My what big teeth you have. Good thing I can jump.
That doggo hated to get wet, spray him with a hose and he'd turn into a badger. So baths were very few.
He was a total sugar junky... Ice cream was his number one favorite.
He slowed down as they all do especially when hit 10 years old.. I knew he was not 100% for a while but who is when get old. He never acted in pain except this morning... I knew it was time. Vet confirmed my suspicions of kidney/pancreas problems. Probably been acting up for a while.

Now for sad part... I had to carry into house this morning as wife let him out and being a pack animal... He wondered off to die away from momma...
He peed on me when picked up after throwing up water again and laying in it. I hosed him off and he didn't care. Into the car and away we went. I was pretty sure it was gonna end badly.
We were with him to the end and yes I was saying It's ok.. And petting him. He had approval to go over the bridge and he went peacefully. He will be missed by his pack greatly, if you hear somebody howling later it'll be me... Bye my friend.
So sorry for both your losses, such beautiful dogs
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