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Old 12-29-2021, 2:09pm   #128
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Originally Posted by Ghostmech View Post
I'm sorry but I need to call BS on this POV... or at least in my experience. I rarely had a problem for 17-18 years and then new mods came on and suddenly I started getting more and more warnings, points and then short bans. Since the guy who started scrutinizing me was the same guy that would go back and forth with me prior to his new role as a Barney Fife mod, it was obvious it was more vindictive than the actual infractions.

At first I would fight the punishments and often times the head mod would intervene and remove the points, but then as I got more and more "spankings" from not only the 'Dog, but a couple of other new mods who would tag team in an effort to pile on. 'Wave eventually supported "his guys" and longer and longer bans would ensue for some of the most ridiculous reasons. Most of the times my "crimes" did not fit the punishments, but it continued.

I recall one warning/post removal was for "excessive bumping"... excessive bumping? I started the thread and made comments to others as they posted. As the thread starter, it was reasonable to respond as the thread's host, but JC didn't think so. That is just one of many examples of things I was highlighted for.

When I was given the Perm-a-ban, I was given my own personal set of bad boy statistics as cause for the warnings/points/bans. I realized then it was a numbers game at that point and if a mod wants to get you banned, just start piling on infractions and the numbers will be noted... no matter how frivolous or legit.

I'm not perfect and there were times when I made it more personal... like the way it used to be when the PRC was like the wild west and those who were there know what I'm talking about. But as I had to learn to scale it back, I literally could not post without some mod making a connection to a rule infraction... no matter how far they had to stretch it to make it fit.

I was eventually I was banned for life and then a few months later unbanned for life... with a caveat, I could not post in PRC (or now PC), at least for the time being. I am actually enjoying not to see a private message in the little bell at the top of the page on an almost daily basis.
I agree not all our perspectives are going to be the same, but your POV essentially mirrors the first two sentences of my post.

You experienced very little resistance when it was a free-for-all

And after the shift in moderation you experienced issues

And don’t get me wrong, I’ve tangled more than a few times over there in the last year with moderators, but we hashed it out on PM and reached common ground, while even having one mod who gave me a few infractions “go to bat” for me publicly fairly recently.
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