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Old 01-21-2021, 6:46pm   #20
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Originally Posted by SnikPlosskin View Post
I wish. They have this thing now called the NarxCare Score. It’s a ****ing nightmare for people that need class two drugs. It is a system that sucks up all your health data (violating Hiipa) and assigns a score if you take:

Pain meds
Anxiety meds
Sleep meds
ADHD meds
Change doctors
Change pharmacies
Get raped (seriously)

The higher your score, no drugs for you. So if your doctor retires, higher score. If your pharmacy ****s up amd you have to go to a different location, higher score. It’s supposed to predict likelihood of overdose. However, studies show it does nothing in this regard.

People rarely overdose on legal drugs.

The problem is it is based on raw data. There is no mechanism for a doctor to put a note in like “this patient had their spine crushed in a car accident”

That person would not get pain meds. This kept secret from patients.

Ask your doctor if he uses the NarxCare score. Then ask him why.

The guidelines say it is not to be used to make prescribing decisions. It is to “initiate a conversation”. That’s not what is happening. A lot of chronically ill people are suffering badly because of this.

Now, DJ, about that heroin...
Bingo... Friend has crushed spine and brain bleeds, can't get meds he needs. His dr fled the country for medicare fraud and new dr wrote different scripts, flagged him couldn't get shit for almost 3 months. Surprised it didn't kill him as seizure meds were even flagged. He's been on that stuff for 20 years i bet.
If they ever found out he did cbd or smoked weed for seizures he'd be banned perma from any narcotics we were told. It would greatly help him but can't take the chance.
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