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Old 09-25-2020, 10:34am   #27
Sparkles Flambeaux
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Originally Posted by RedLS1GTO View Post
Before anything, I'm generally a good tipper, however I do base it on service.

Now for my likely unpopular opinion...

It seems like you are leading this group's breakfast outings, even if that leadership is not in any official manner. If that's the case, lead it and do it. Collect all of the money, etc, and make it "official" as a group. If not, people are there as individuals and your opinion is quite simply irrelevant. People are going to do what they do. Expecting everybody else to subscribe to your exact tipping habits is foolish.

WTH is a "tip threshold" and who defined it? You? Why not $10 per person? Why not $15?

How long were you there? An hour? $68 an hour to serve you guys coffee doesn't seem too bad to me. Like I said, I'm usually a pretty damn good tipper, but somebody sending an email like you sent isn't going to do anything but piss me off. You want to leave them $80, $100, $150 go for it. If you want to donate, go for it. If you want to make it something resembling an official event, again, go for it. Until that point, I will continue to leave whatever tip I feel is appropriate, which may be either more or less than your "threshold" on any given day.
he's got a point.

if you are the official/unofficial leader of this gang, then lead. set out rules (where we are going, how we're going to get there, when we leave HQ, how long we are staying, when we return to HQ, and how much it will cost per head/car to join along).

if you are going to burn $10 of gas having fun, then another $10 for a "tip/gift" to your favorite waitress shouldn't be breaking any budgets. and if it does, then they can stay home and watch Matlock.

imagine the reaction your gang would get if you left $200 in tips on bills totalling $75. bet they would welcome you back anytime. "ah, here come those rich Corvette owners!"
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