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Old 09-20-2020, 11:11am   #10
Iron Chef
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Here's another suggestion: My system had two filters. One in the big air return in the living room, and the other in the air handler in the attic. He removed the one in the air handler. Said it wasn't required since I have a big filter in the air return. Air flow immediately picked up significantly. Two filters in the same line aren't necessary.

And as long as we're talking about air flow, if you only have one return in your house, you might want to spend a few hundred bucks and get returns put in all the bedrooms to balance your system. I had this done on my old place and the difference was stunning. Suddenly I didn't have to turn the A/C down as much as the house was cooler. It also solved the problem of feeling the temperature change as I walked from room to room. Each return had its own filter. Cut my A/C bill in HALF...and I was keeping tabs. I will be doing the same in this house as well. Newer homes have this already, but mine was built in 1947, so you have to retrofit.
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