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Old 04-02-2020, 9:11am   #91
Millenium Vette
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Originally Posted by Mick View Post
I watched my Dad die of colon cancer that metastasized to his lungs. As the lung tumors grew, it closed off more and more functional lung area until he basically suffocated to death. Yeah, it was no fun to watch, and I'm sure even less fun to experience it.

From what I read, this is definitely NOT true. My BIL, who is a hand surgeon, was talking to us about this a week or so ago, and said it depends on a lot of things, but that like any other virus, being "exposed" is not equal to being "infected". I'll leave the technical details to the MDs, but this is one of the aggravating things about the news stories. They say things like "40% - 70% of Americans will be infected". This is almost certainly not true, but it is highly likely that somewhere along the way, 70+% of Americans will be exposed. Big difference.

If I set up a Go Fund Me for my funeral, will you donate ten bucks? I'd really appreciate it!
Last things first: Yeah, set that bitch up Mick! You bet your ass I'll toss in that 10 bux to make sure you get put in the ground. I'm sure the family and neighbors don't want to smell your rotting corpse in your garage. Just do the same for my rotting stinky ass if I croak first.

Seriously, what is the deal with this odd looking surgeon mother****er mocking us like we ain't got fiddy bux to pay to throw our dead-ass carcasses away if we croak. Not to go all TG&N here, but shit, I'm sick of this pious shit. If the undertaker won't take the check from my estate, he will probably take one of my Rolex. I've got plenty.....

Second thing you posted: So, your brother is a hand surgeon. What in the **** are you thinking that he knows more than this chi....oops, I mean bariatiric surgeon who fixes up fat gurls? You think fat gurls shouldn't get surgery to lose weight? Sure, your BIL fixes hands and that helps people go back to work and live their life, but really, who in the **** do you think he is to be spouting off about this virus shit? We should just take the chin...oops, I mean the bariatric surgeon who shown us his diplomas 'N shit.....Seriously, would you trust a surgeon that spends half his time making mother****ing YouTube videos????

Lastly, the bit about your dad hits home with me. In case anyone missed it, I am one sarcastic mother****er, but this part does hit home with me, so here I am being serious: My father passed away from colon cancer November 13, 2017 at 9:45 at home in his bed. I am so grateful for how it happened to work out. He passed away peacefully before the cancer spread to his lungs. I was fearful the whole year+ that he was helped by hospice that he would suffer by not being able to breathe or have the shit mestasicize to his brain. He went peacefully. That shit ain't no fun to watch.
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