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Old 01-16-2020, 3:21pm   #1
Explosive Salami
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Default So, I had to fire somebody today.

Helluva day, i tell you. Helluva day. I start off by having to come in late because these new bifocals aren't set right and I needed to have them made with the far/near line set lower. No biggie.

anyway, on my way in I get a message from my full timer that my student tech is waiting for me in the hallway and that he's being fired. No problem. i go in the back door of the office through an access tunnel (this college campus used to be a mall), get everything situated, check my email, and check the jobs in my trouble ticket queue. Nothing, so I step out to find this guy waiting on me.

Asked what's up and he wanted to talk in the Student Worker Hiring Coordinators office with him present. No problem. Kid asks me to state what my issues are with him first and I tell him to speak his mind since he wanted to have this sit down. My god, I haven't heard so much bullshit in such a short period of time since AF2 and Chas were on the forums. I'm also not a fan of micromanagement, doing half the job, and having to retrain the tasks multiple times when the instructions and check list are available int he K-base I keep and update regularly. This kid accused me of expecting too much of a student technician like he should have had 15+ years experience int he field like most of my team does. He had to take the hardware and software basics class here at the college to even get me to look at his resume, but couldn't even plug HDMI cables into the right ports for a 2nd monitor when they were labeled HDMI Out or HDMI In Other things were worse. The final straw happened in a class room and we were having issues at the power outlet. Two computers were next to each other, my full time guy was under the desk messing with wiring and told him specifically which computer to check for signs of life. This kid checks the computer next to it, but has the power cable in his hand...not plugged in. That's when shit hit the fan this morning.

My full time guy was accused of some bad shit and making the work environment more hostile than a Koko thread bragging about the 96 CE PosOTY. And to top it off, the kid sent a scathing email to HR.

I'm not worried about it because I know my team and what lines they won't cross as far as professionalism and common courtesy on the job site goes. it's pretty much he said-he said at this point and I'm absolutely defending my full time employee who WAS this kids supervisor.

so, believe it or not, I didn't tell this kid to STFU and eat a bag of dicks. i wanted too, but didn't instead, my response was, "Well, I need to take a look at some processes in my shop and I don't think it would be mutually beneficial for you to continue your employment with me."

Now let's see what happens because of his HR email. I got to read it and it's honestly about 90% bullshit. The other 10% is nothing to worry about. Went to see my boss about this in so he wouldn't be blindsided in case he got a call from HR, but this kid I fired is going for a law degree after he graduates and nit-picks anything. I'm interested to see what happens, but i think nothing will happen.


Cliffs: i fired an incompetent student computer technician. He bitched, complained, and wrote email to HR about it that was 90% bullshit. Waiting to see what happens.
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