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Old 07-17-2019, 8:11am   #150
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Originally Posted by neece View Post
Why would I lie about my ban? Let's just use logic...I was not banned because I said something trolling or being hostile, that has never been the case. I was banned because I mentioned the situation that Nicole set up, which is a situation where nobody can say anything or be banned, which is what happened.

She and her sycophants blame me for her first 30 day ban, even though it had nothing to do with me, it was harassment she was causing wscinx. Yet they blamed me and cried special treatment. She takes no credit for her own behavior.

As far as the olive branch, wtf? I haven't received an olive branch, and I even tried to come to her aide when creeps were harassing her. Why do I need an olive branch, I am not the one being hateful, hostile, animosity filled attitude. I don't go around posting personal crap about others on different sites, lol. I didn't write Nicole a novel sized PM projecting my behavior onto her and claim she has caused me lots of emotional distress. Wtf? How am I butthurt and angry, because I don't engage or laugh at jokes? People don't laugh at mine, they just report them or any minor truth that I state.

Bottom line, I called some angry men angry, a bar gay (like many others have), and made a joke thread.

I am in you people's head so bad it is really hilarious! See you all in cfot where we can't have fun because bar people can't take harmless jokes. What about the other 99% of my posts? Do you people analyze those as well? LMAO

Hello to all the friendly people! Try to enjoy yourselves. I am off to take my nieces on a tube ride down the Hooch....stay cool!

Why would I lie about my ban?

Not sure, but my guess; because you cannot help yourself. Lies seem to pour out of your mouth as readily as the cray/cray.

As far as the olive branch, wtf? I haven't received an olive branch

Wow.. see, cannot hep yourself God Lord: let me post up the actual PM's that were sent to your husband, and the most recent one that was sent to you and CCed to SW??? BRB

Careful, you still have the pot stirring fish soup dripping from your apron, don't act innocent, the proof is pungent.

I am in you people's head so bad it is really hilarious!

Desperation to feel important causes that delusion, correction, more like a highly irritating thorn in the side.

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