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Old 07-16-2019, 7:32am   #74
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Originally Posted by neece View Post
I was told by Savewave that Nicole complained so incessantly, claiming I get special treatment, that she had become such high maintenance to the mods that I wasn't allowed to speak to her, directly or indirectly, or be banned. The funny thing is that I never say anything to the woman, declined her invitation to a war with words, and ignore her every post. Why she thinks I need to be banned is beyond me. Was it because I made a thread about Butch women where I never mentioned her but yet other men have called her Butch, and worse. Yeah, thick skin indeed!

I have never written a mod to complain about people's posts, but I was told to report you bar folk or be banned. So, you don't get to cry to mods about my harmless posts, report them, then troll my threads. If I am told that I can't engage you then you sure as heck aren't going to troll me!

I was banned for five days for mentioning the rules I had been given. Talk about delicate sensibilities! Hard to believe you people are grown ups! Keep on hatin', lmao!
Moar pics of dog.
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