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Old 05-16-2019, 7:05pm   #36
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Add PA to the list of dysfunctional DMV services. I understand folks with disabilities need jobs too but make sure they can actually do the job you put them in.

If there are more than 5 persons there, you know it'll be at least 45 minutes. One time I was there and a parent came in with their soon to driving daughter and after getting a number, realized they didn't have her birth certificate. They drove home 10 miles away to get it and made it back with plenty of time before their number was called.

Oh, there is always the "big dude" making sure you get a number.

A couple renewals ago, they had a nice pleasant lady who took all your info and hand wrote it down in a ledger. The problem was she had a stroke and had extreme difficulties writing the number "3". It literally took a full minute of struggle for her to write the number 3. ( my DL has three #3's in it ) I truly felt bad for her.

The last two renewals ( at the same location ) they have a young lady with Downs in that position. She does her job well and kept the line moving at a good pace.
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