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Old 10-24-2018, 8:23am   #40
Sea Six
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Originally Posted by Hoog View Post
1) If they show up at a port of entry and ask for asylum, just what law is it that they are breaking?

They are doing it (intentionally) in numbers that they know will overwhelm the system. They will be on American soil and knowing we can't keep, house, feed, legally advise, etc. all of them in a timely manner, they will be simply let go with a promise to appear to deal with the situation at a later date that they will never honor. They will simply disappear into the country.

2) They come from a shithole with a murder rate exponentially greater than the worst places in the US. Wouldn't take too much to get me to come along if I thought my family could actually live without the fear of being robbed or shot for looking at someone the wrong way.

NONE of the problems in your country are our fault. That means that we have NO any obligation whatsoever to let you in and take care of you with all of our benefits, which a large number are sure to do. By the way, try invading any other country, demanding they take you in like these guys are trying to do with us and let us know how it works out.

3) This has happened several times that I can remember over the last few years. There was a caravan last year. Remember the "caravan of kids" during the Obama years? That happened more than one year as well...back around 2014, 2015?

... which is precisely why we can't allow this to succeed. It will become, if it hasn't already, a new model for doing the business of shipping in however many completely unvetted groups of people the democrats wish, at any time.

They're coming, we know they're coming, and the .gov should (and probably do) have a plan on how to handle them when they get here. A plan that doesn't include strafing them with A-10s for fuks sake.
Anything that keeps them out is ok with me. And unlike you, I and a hell of a lot of other Americans am not ruling any method or methods out.

How would Putin handle something like this? Probably with something resembling the A-10 approach, which is why we don't seem to see this attempted with Russia.

How would Hungary handle this? In the manner they already have demonstrated: razor wire, machine guns and signs that state that if an invader even comes close enough to touch the wire, they are already in a position in which deadly force can and will be used against them. To date they have admitted ZERO "refugees" from shithole countries.

It's time we got serious and handle this as a threat, because that's exactly what it is. Trying to treat this SOLELY like some humanitarian issue is a complete crock of bullshit cooked up by the loony left to try to persuade some people who are easily distracted from other real issues by emotional canards. And people like you are regurgitating it on social media platforms everywhere, even a random car forum. Congrats on carrying out this propaganda. I also notice that while you have covered the humanitarian issue you haven't even mentioned the other issues, like the Rule Of Law in this country, both national and local security aspects of bringing in vast numbers completely unknown people, health concerns, human trafficking of children by unrelated parties using the kids to bypass legal immigration process, etc. etc. etc.
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