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Old 05-08-2017, 6:53pm   #52
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look, bottom line- if you follow islam-
if you worship mohammed--then you are
in effect, agreeing with the CORE values of
that "religion".

even if you dont practice all of them personally,
you are giving them your consent, you are agreeing
with their values. and if you say "oh, i dont care what
someone else does, as long as it doesnt affect ME", then
you may as well join them because you are helping their cause.

its not like saying youre a catholic, but you dont practice lent.
its like (theoretically) catholicism practices child sacrifices
but you dont personally--but youre ok with the other catholics
doing it, you see nothing wrong with it.

yes, it really is that simple.

what, you think i should be more tolerant of of someone elses
oh, you mean like how muslims are so tolerant of others beliefs
and religions, right?..........

here, look at this on youtube-
"brigitte gabriel"
she REALLY hits the nail on the head in everyone
of her videos. god love her.

take it from someone who was forced to see these things
firsthand every single day. as i said, my last name is ABDUL.
thats gods truth, its on my birth certificate.

and i am part turkish. i can tell you for a FACT, anyone--
that follows islam, is a *fanatic* to one degree or another.

islam is evil incarnate and needs to be stamped out. period.

they are hypocritical, mysoginistic, pedophilic savages
that only understand 1 thing--might makes right.

think along the lines of the 'terminator' movies-
you cant reason with them.
you cant talk to them.
you cant buy them.
they will not stop, EVER, untill we are all dead.

yes, it really is that scary. take a look around at whats
happening in europe right now.

the crusades werent about treasure, it was about good men
who were tired of what was happening, who said "enough
is ENOUGH"- and stood up to help exterminate evil.

those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.
we are currently in the middle of another 'arab uprising'
like what happened in the middle east in the 1960's.

as long as people continue to think "oh, not ALL
muslims are like that", they will continue to kill us wherever
and whenever they can.

i will leave you with these quotes....

"if everyone that was a muslim laid down their weapons,
we would have peace. if everyone else except the muslims
laid down their weapons, they would slaughter us".

"extreme muslims want to rape your daughters,
kill your gay friends and relatives, stone your wives,
and chop your head off.
moderate muslims just want to WATCH the extreme muslims
rape your daughters, kill your gay friends and relatives,
stone your wives, and chop your head off."
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