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Old 03-18-2017, 10:36am   #4
Giraffe (He/Him)
Barn Stall Owner #905

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The shot with the two in the nest is the JPEG.

Seems the first 3 the background is very blurry.
The background blur is a result of subject to background distance. The further the subject from the background with a super-telephoto the more out of focus the background will be. Depth of field is minimal with this lens.

Well the second shot has more noise than I've seen in any of your other shots but I assume ISO was pretty high on that one to keep the shutter speed up. Looks like the light was pretty low when it was taken.
Yes on all points.

But the last shot has some halos on the high contrast edges but is otherwise pretty sharp. Maybe sharpening artifacts from the in camera jpg conversion?
Yup for the most part. Some of these halo's are actually movement of the out of focus branches behind the birds. The JPEG conversions and in camera sharpening caused a lot of the other little issues.

This is why I'm shooting more and more in RAW for everything. I don't care for the exaggerated colors in JPEG and I REALLY don't like the in camera sharpening. It's always far to strong.

I'm going to go back and fix the shot with the noise in it. I'll post it here and you guys (and girl ) can tell me if it was worth the effort.

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