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Old 02-24-2016, 10:02am   #24
Iron Chef
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At first, I wanted to see the Barn compete with CF...perhaps out of revenge at the time. Now, I think that this is actually better. I don't spend time at other sites unless I need answers about a car I'm driving. For example, I'm on MBWorld, but maybe I have 6 posts there, and when I trade in the Benz, I probably won't go back at all. I don't even post on my Facebook account. I just don't spend that much time online because I think that for the most part, real life is a lot more interesting. So for the time I am online, this is a good place to be.

The people who have been tossed out from here pretty much got what was coming to them, and I don't miss their nonsense. There are several that have been unfairly run off, and I miss them. But this is a far less regulated forum and you need a thicker skin. And I honestly think we have an excellent mod staff. They are much better at knowing when and when not to step in to a situation and at recognizing who the real troublemakers are and sending them packing.

Originally Posted by Craig View Post
Hell, most of the mods have abandoned ship.
Really don't know how you came up with that. All the mods that are listed at the bottom of the page along with a few others not shown are regular posters as is our Admin. They're just don't draw attention to themselves by locking threads and banning people for sport like they do at CF. The only person that's truly MIA is Gary who started the Barn (and whom I think we all miss). But sometimes life takes over.
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