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Old 09-25-2013, 7:17pm   #67
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Originally Posted by Thomas View Post
That just sucks.

When I started HS, everything was miraculously OK, and I had a great HS experience. Prior to that, I did finally grow a small pair. ****in' kids on my JH bus took my gym shorts and wouldn't give them back. OK, fine, we had just finished reading "The Outsiders". :lightbulb: When we got off the bus, I found a beer bottle, broke the end off, and chased the ************ who had my shorts all the way to his house. He made it in before I got there (with my shorts), so I started beating on the door and smashed the rest of the bottle against the house. A-hole's mom came out and handed me my shorts back. I think she was scared, too. I just kind of lost it that day. There was less problem after that, but it still sucked until we moved, and I started HS at a new school.

I was lucky I guess, mine did even though it was a last resort thing. The real tools came from my grandfather who was a stereotypical Irishman. Hard drinking/hard living individual. Took no shit from nobody. Actually, I think he was half nuts.
What I would impart to a kid is, don't start any trouble, don't pick on others, but if trouble finds you and talking does no good, then ****in' savage that other person. Sneak attack if need be to gain the advantage. Make a statement that you don't tolerate BS.
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