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lspencer534 01-28-2016 1:35pm

Trump is right...
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s campaign manager has fired a conflict of interest charge at Fox News, which has been locked in a controversy with Trump over the network’s fairness and Trump’s attendance at Thursday night’s GOP debate.

In an interview on CNN, Corey Lewandowski, Trump’s campaign manager, said Brooke Sammon, daughter of Fox News Channel Vice President Bill Sammon, serves as national press secretary for Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., who is battling Trump for the Republican presidential nomination.

Trump's Campaign Just Exposed 1 Thing About Fox News' Debate Chief He Won't Want Out There

Donald Trump's refusal to attend Fox News' debate on Thursday night has sent Fox News into chaos and network CEO Roger Ailes reaching out to Ivanka and Melania Trump.
Fox News Is In Full Panic-Mode Today, Reaching Out To Trump's Family Members

69camfrk 01-28-2016 1:44pm

Let them panic.......

VatorMan 01-28-2016 1:51pm

A president has to overcome difficult issues at times. This doesn't put Trump in a favorable light to me. If he can't face adversity at a frikken debate, what does that say about him when the chips are down ?

ApexOversteer 01-28-2016 1:55pm


Originally Posted by VatorMan (Post 1445932)
A president has to overcome difficult issues at times. This doesn't put Trump in a favorable light to me. If he can't face adversity at a frikken debate, what does that say about him when the chips are down ?

It says to me that if you mess with him, he lawyers up, and sneaks around back to kick you in the balls...

69camfrk 01-28-2016 1:57pm


Originally Posted by VatorMan (Post 1445932)
A president has to overcome difficult issues at times. This doesn't put Trump in a favorable light to me. If he can't face adversity at a frikken debate, what does that say about him when the chips are down ?

Reagan did the same thing....different reasons...

War Eagle ZO6 01-28-2016 1:57pm

It tells me Trump has the balls to say F you...this is a bad deal I don't like it.
It tells me he has the balls to stand up to China and the other middle east idiots. It tells me he has the balls to turn Washington upside down. It tells me he is not going to be a PC president......which is exactly what we need. He is no *****.


69camfrk 01-28-2016 2:01pm


Originally Posted by War Eagle ZO6 (Post 1445937)
It tells me Trump has the balls to say F you...this is a bad deal I don't like it.
It tells me he has the balls to stand up to China and the other middle east idiots. It tells me he has the balls to turn Washington upside down. It tells me he is not going to be a PC president......which is exactly what we need. He is no *****.


The reason people are scared of him in the establishment is because he can't be bought out. He just says out loud what most of the country is saying anyway. I'm not sure any one person or anything can help our country at this point though.:sadangel:

Millenium Vette 01-28-2016 2:33pm


Originally Posted by VatorMan (Post 1445932)
A president has to overcome difficult issues at times. This doesn't put Trump in a favorable light to me. If he can't face adversity at a frikken debate, what does that say about him when the chips are down ?

I doubt he is scared of a little adversity from the news hacks, but I do think he is brilliant in several ways for skipping this last debate.

Iron Chef 01-28-2016 2:47pm


Originally Posted by VatorMan (Post 1445932)
A president has to overcome difficult issues at times. This doesn't put Trump in a favorable light to me. If he can't face adversity at a frikken debate, what does that say about him when the chips are down ?

Sorry to disagree with you Tom but I've said this before: With the possible exception of the dimwits at the Iowa caucuses who are missing some DNA strands, anyone choses a candidate based on their performance in a debate is crazy. Debates are nothing more than bickering over a re-hash of a candidates platform. No one is held accountable for anything. They could never have a debate and it wouldn't change a thing.


Originally Posted by War Eagle ZO6 (Post 1445937)
It tells me Trump has the balls to say F you...this is a bad deal I don't like it.
It tells me he has the balls to stand up to China and the other middle east idiots. It tells me he has the balls to turn Washington upside down. It tells me he is not going to be a PC president......which is exactly what we need. He is no *****.

THIS :seasix:

island14 01-28-2016 2:47pm

I'm glad to see he has the balls to go up against them, and hope his other plan gets televised and gets more views.

Most everyone else just sucks up to them.. :yesnod:

I don't blame him a bit when it's plain to see they are biased..

And after the smart assed remarks from Roger Ailes.. he basically just said you're fired! and now he will only talk to his boss..

Kinda punked him of you ask me.. LOL!


Seriously though.. sometimes the news reporters get kinda snotty and need to be put back in their place.

If one gets to be a jerk,, who would blame a President for NOT calling on them for questions in the future? :island14:

Cybercowboy 01-28-2016 2:51pm

This debate wasn't even scheduled with the other debates, they added this one because Trump hadn't imploded as the GOPe was sure he would by now. BTW, Ronald Reagan didn't go to the last Republican debate in 1980 for pretty much the same reason. This had nothing much to do with Megan Kelly but instead Trump knew that there was a 100% chance that it was going to be a total fiasco, with the moderators going all-out to destroy his candidacy. Really there's no downside here for him. And it's not unprecedented. This is the one debate I'm going to skip.

Iron Chef 01-28-2016 2:53pm


Originally Posted by Cybercowboy (Post 1445958)
This is the one debate I'm going to skip.

I skipped 'em all! :rofl:

VatorMan 01-28-2016 2:57pm


Originally Posted by Iron Chef (Post 1445956)
Sorry to disagree with you Tom but I've said this before: With the possible exception of the dimwits at the Iowa caucuses who are missing some DNA strands, anyone choses a candidate based on their performance in a debate is crazy. Debates are nothing more than bickering over a re-hash of a candidates platform. No one is held accountable for anything. They could never have a debate and it wouldn't change a thing.

THIS :seasix:

OK- I can see your point. As well as all the others. Truth be told, don't be interested in the man, be interested in his cabinet. Those are the people that will be carrying out the mission.

Iron Chef 01-28-2016 3:03pm


Originally Posted by VatorMan (Post 1445964)
OK- I can see your point. As well as all the others. Truth be told, don't be interested in the man, be interested in his cabinet. Those are the people that will be carrying out the mission.

Agree 100% :cert:

And y'all might be interested in the latest CNN Poll: Trump hits 41%

Donald Trump dominates GOP field, hits 41% -

Cybercowboy 01-28-2016 3:06pm


Originally Posted by Iron Chef (Post 1445959)
I skipped 'em all! :rofl:

They have been damn entertaining actually. I have definitely skipped the Dem debates though.

Cybercowboy 01-28-2016 3:14pm


Originally Posted by island14 (Post 1445957)
And after the smart assed remarks from Roger Ailes.. he basically just said you're fired! and now he will only talk to his boss..

Actually had Ailes been around (he's been very ill the last couple of months) this wouldn't have happened. This was pure Murdoch. Trump has done an outstanding job of exposing all the insiders and fakers. For instance, Glenn Beck says he dropped his support of Rand Paul because he went along with Mitch McConnell to rig the primaries in the 2014 midterms, but the guy he is endorsing (his first official endorsement ever), Ted Cruz, did the same exact thing. As a matter of fact, he was on the leadership committee of the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) in 2014, and the NRSC was behind the race-bating phone calls in Mississippi to get Thad Cochran re-elected when Chris McDaniel was way ahead in the run-up to the primary.

Oh, and screw Glenn Beck. Seriously. What a douche.

island14 01-28-2016 3:31pm

Well that will teach me for believing what I read in the news.. :lol:

Seriously, I did read that somewhere in the last few days..

island14 01-28-2016 3:34pm


Originally Posted by Iron Chef (Post 1445959)
I skipped 'em all! :rofl:

Me too... :lol:

I couldn't have watched them here anyways, but might have been able to see them on youtube..

No way would I have wasted any my limited bandwidth on it though... not a drop..

And as far as the Dems Debates go.. I makes me want to puke just to hear anything Hillary has to spew even reading it..

Craig 01-28-2016 3:35pm

It's not "balls", it's lack of brains. I won't vote for him, he's an unqualified, ill-tempered, loud-mouth, know-it-all, just like what we have now. You guys can vote for this idiot, ex-game show host if you want...

This is going to be a cluster-****...

island14 01-28-2016 3:38pm


Originally Posted by Craig (Post 1445984)
It's not "balls", it's lack of brains. I won't vote for him, he's an unqualified, ill-tempered, loud-mouth, know-it-all, just like what we have now. You guys can vote for this idiot, ex-game show host if you want...

This is going to be a cluster-****...

For me there is not one qualified candidate out there that would make me completely proud..

But show me someone better, even one... and I will be happy to check them out.


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