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RED-85-Z51 10-28-2012 10:37am

what is Romneys stance on Gay marriage/dont ask dont tell?
Its someone I havent seen mentioned hardly at all over the past few months, not sure it has been brought up at all.

We know Obamabutt loves man on man action, and wants the fruits to flail about and get married, and reap the benefits of legal marriage...

But how the mitt feel about it? Is he going to re-enact dont ask dont tell? Is he going to push to disallow legal unions between gays?

I hope he doesnt support this shit too...

Giraffe (He/Him) 10-28-2012 10:41am

I'll get that for you RED. :cert:

RED-85-Z51 10-28-2012 10:45am

Mitt Romney on Same-Sex Marriage | Mitt Romney Central

Like the vast majority of Americans, I’ve opposed same-sex marriage, but I’ve also opposed unjust discrimination against anyone, for racial or religious reasons, or for sexual preference. Americans are a tolerant, generous, and kind people. We all oppose bigotry and disparagement. But the debate over same-sex marriage is not a debate over tolerance. It is a debate about the purpose of the institution of marriage and it is a debate about activist judges who make up the law rather than interpret the law.”

Marriage should only be between a man and a woman.

Supports a constitutional amendment that would define marriage as between a man and a woman.

In favor of recognizing domestic partnerships that include the opportunity for shared health benefits and rights of survivorship.

Every child deserves a father and a mother.

wwomanC6 10-28-2012 10:45am

Going to move this to PRnC, but agree what is his take on it?

RED-85-Z51 10-28-2012 10:45am

Hell yeah, mitt has his stuff in order, **** you obama, you homo lovin bastard.

wwomanC6 10-28-2012 10:48am

Since Don't ask, don't tell has been done away with, good luck getting it back.

RED-85-Z51 10-28-2012 10:58am

I think DADT made perfectly good sense though.

If you want to be a flamer..and serve in the armed forces, that fine...we will not investigate your sexuality, we will not question you about it, as long as you dont come out about it...very cut and dry, very simple.

I mean, if you have a common shower situation where you have 10 straight dudes and 2 gays...that would tend to make the other very uncomfortable. Even with one openly gay person, it would make things uncomfortable. I mean, My Lord...what if they were scopin your meat...ugh.

I just think it hurts the cohesion of a force, when you have 2-3 people making 50 people uncomfortable.

Blue 92 10-28-2012 9:25pm


Originally Posted by wwomanC6 (Post 797159)
Going to move this to PRnC, but agree what is his take on it?

Seems fairly straight (pardon the pun :)) forward:


In favor of recognizing domestic partnerships that include the opportunity for shared health benefits and rights of survivorship.
Essentially marriage with a different term. I believe the majority of people wouldn't have a problem with that.

IMHO it's the term "Marriage" that is more the issue. :yesnod:

NEED-A-VETTE 10-28-2012 11:35pm


Originally Posted by RED-85-Z51 (Post 797165)
I think DADT made perfectly good sense though.

If you want to be a flamer..and serve in the armed forces, that fine...we will not investigate your sexuality, we will not question you about it, as long as you dont come out about it...very cut and dry, very simple.

I mean, if you have a common shower situation where you have 10 straight dudes and 2 gays...that would tend to make the other very uncomfortable. Even with one openly gay person, it would make things uncomfortable. I mean, My Lord...what if they were scopin your meat...ugh.

I just think it hurts the cohesion of a force, when you have 2-3 people making 50 people uncomfortable.

Pretty much every person I know that has served/is serving doesn't give a feck what someone's sexual orientation is. My BIL, who is about to make major in the Marine Corp (started as enlisted), spent over 2 years deployed between Iraq and Afghanistan. He had gay men under his command and it was known. Guess what? They didn't care. :island14:

Most gay people that I know that are serving are totally fine with civil unions or domestic partnerships. They're not offended just because its not called "marriage" at all. It's not about flaunting it in people's faces...they don't walk around talking about their sex life. :rolleyes: It is, however, all about not having to hide things and live what basically amounts to a lie.

Even if they keep their mouths shut, they didn't have the choices they have now that DADT is gone. Let me put it to you this way...

My daughter is a lesbian. She wanted to serve her country by joining the Air Force, which she obviously did. DADT was in force when she joined. She had to give up the original job she was slated for. Why? Because it was a job for which a security background check was needed. Couldn't do it. They would've found out she was a lesbian. She was perfect for that job (SERE instructor) but would have been disqualified to join if they found out.

While she was in BMT, her GF had to be very careful what she wrote in letters, emails, etc. Why? Because if there was an inspection, she'd be busted. That extended to every one of us. We had to make sure we didn't mention anything offhand about Andrea (her GF). My aunt, a born again Christian, sent Caitlin a letter while she was in BMT telling her she hopes that Caitlin repents, stops being a lesbian, etc. Caitlin had to tear it up and flush it down the toilet for fear of getting outed.

Next week the girls will be here in LA. They will be filing for their domestic partnership. Why? Because Caitlin gets deployed to Afghanistan in less than two weeks and if (heaven forbid) anything were to happen to her, Andrea wouldn't even have the right to sit at her bedside in a hospital without our permission.

If DADT were still in effect, Caitlin and Andrea, who have been partners for 7 years now, would not be able to live together for a very long time. Caitlin would have to live in single housing until she was allowed to receive housing allowance to live in town...and then hope no one ever found out that she and Andrea lived together.

Andrea will be finishing up her associates degree this fall. Guess what? She's joining the Air Force. :flag:

For them, it's not about flaunting. It's about not hiding an being constantly nervous about getting kicked out of the service. Even out in town, the fear of running into someone they knew (in the service) was there. What if someone saw them?

I don't want to hear anyone's bullshit about how the gays whine and they're so flamboyant and "in your face" all the time. For the majority of the gay community, that simply isn't true. And if you think it's true, you obviously haven't talked to enough gay people. :rolleyes:

With the exception of a few people here that already know, this is the first time I've ever openly come out and specifically talked about my daughter being a lesbian. But enough is enough already.

Btw, I'm a moderate and so are Andrea and Caitlin. Fiscally conservative, but more liberal on social issues. Having said that, they aren't fighting to get DOMA changed. Now that DADT is gone, they don't have to look over their shoulders constantly and THAT'S ALL THEY WANTED. They're fine with domestic partnership.

Now that DADT is gone, Andrea is joining and Caitlin will likely do her 20 in the AF, rather than 4 and out.

Screw anyone that has anything bad to say or makes judgement on my daughter based in the fact that she's a lesbian. Being a lesbian is just her sexual orientation, it doesn't define her.



MrPeabody 10-29-2012 12:14am

Excellent post, NAV. :seasix:

zz4vetteguy 10-29-2012 12:17am


Originally Posted by NEED-A-VETTE (Post 797736)
(edited for space...If you all wanna read it all, go up one post)....My daughter is a lesbian. She wanted to serve her country by joining the Air Force, which she obviously did....

Thank your daughter for her service. :USA:

Very well written, I know your daughter knows, and you have probrably gotten a good idea about it from talking to her, but I am not sure people who are against it know what those who served in silence go through straight service members got to be themselves, while gltb service members had to basically live a second life, and be someone they are not, because one slip up, saying he instead of she one time could have lead to an investigation that could cost them their military career.

IF someone is brave enough and wants to step forward and serve, let them, it should not matter race, gender, sexuality, long as they are physically and mental able to do the job let them. I mean I am sure there are some back woods racist white guys that don't wanna be around blacks, but that does not mean we don't allow african americans to serve.

Kinda off subject, but it was mentioned, as far as "flaunting it" goes, yes, there are those that go to the extreme and prance around and skip and are limp wristed little fairies that constantly wave rainbow flags, throw glitter, and when they open their mouths a purse, belt, and matching shoes fall out (trust me, I hate those queers just as much as everyone else), but what most are considering flaunting are just basic things that straight people take for granted every day like a quick kiss, holding hands...hell once a co-worker asked if I had any plans for the weekend and I replied my boyfiend and I were going to help my brother and his wife move then the four of us were going on a winery tour...and he went off about me bringing up my BF and flaunting it, the funny part was that an ultra conservitive co-worker looked at him and said "what are you going on about, YOU asked HIM what his plans were" :rofl:

RED-85-Z51 10-29-2012 1:12am

My thing is, and Ive said it many times before, if someone wants to go off and be gay, thats their decision to make, its nice when I dont know about it, ever, at all. I dont want to know about it, I wont ask, if they dont offer it up...

It seems like more and more, people are coming out and making such a huge "look at me look at me" deal about it, going on marches, doing "sit ins" and crap, getting big obvious "rainbow" tats and wearing rainbo T-shirts with "im gay, get over yourself" T-shirts...and being all "im gay, Ill do what I want, **** you if you dont like fact Ill be extra gay around you"...

It gets old.

When I worked for a call center, my teams instructor was "a homosexual". In fact during the first class session he was telling a story and stopped and said "Oh also, Im gay...and im proud, look at my little mermaid belt buckle, I drive a mini cooper, and I like guys..just to get that out of the way".

I didnt care, I didnt even notice...and I was cool with it, but to flaunt it like that, it made me, and others, uncomfortable.

He could have gone 4 weeks, never mentioned it, never said a word about it...and no one would have been the wiser...but he "HAD" to tell everyone.

Here in Pensacola, we get tens of thousands of gays flooding our beaches during memorial day, its gross, the men wear G-strings, the women are all over each other...the men are all over each other, giant rainbow banners all over the place. There is no reason for it, they can come to our beaches 365 days a year, and NOT do that..but they feel that for 3 days, they MUST do it.

If I organized a "straight pride rally"...I would catch pure hell from Gays for excluding them...

The whole thing bugs me, the idea of pisses me off, and now im not going to sleep tonight at all...

RED-85-Z51 10-29-2012 1:22am

But I say again, if people want to be gay, im not opposed to it, I cant stop it...its their choice to do so.

But demanding marriage rights, demanding spousal rights, and so on. When marriage is a religious process defined as being between a man and a woman, I think it is pretty cut and dry..that gays do not qualifiy. So they went to the civil union, but want to consider it the same as marriage...and get benefits.

And states should not be allowed to redefine "marriage"...its like letting a Politician redefine what qualifies a duck as a duck, and a mule as a mule, to satisfy his constituents. You cant just go around defying definitions of terms, because it pisses someone off, you cant go around tayloring laws for minority groups, trying to please everyone, because all you end up doing is pissing everyone off.

RED-85-Z51 10-29-2012 1:26am

Straight men...if you went to your proctologist, and you walk into his office for a prostate exam, and you see gay pride stuff on his walls, pictures of him and his boyfriend...can you honestly say that beyond the shadow of a doubt that you feel comfortable with him fingering your asshole?

Yes he is a denying that...but can you say that you would be as comfortable with him, as you would someone that you didnt know their orientation at all?

NEED-A-VETTE 10-29-2012 1:53am


Originally Posted by MrPeabody (Post 797743)
Excellent post, NAV. :seasix:


Originally Posted by zz4vetteguy (Post 797746)
Thank your daughter for her service. :USA:



Originally Posted by RED-85-Z51 (Post 797758)
...It gets old...

The whole thing bugs me, the idea of pisses me off, and now im not going to sleep tonight at all...

Red, you're letting other people's actions effect you way too much. To be fair, there are a lot of hetero couples out there doing what you consider flaunting.

I have gay and straight friends. By far, my straight friends talk about their sex life WAY more than my gay friends.

I'll say it again, the majority of the LGBT community does not act in the manner which you are describing. They want to live quiet lives with their partners just like their hetero counterparts.

I mean, come on, now...I live in California, for crying out loud...I don't experience the flaunting to the extent that you are describing. I walk down the streets of San Francisco and fail to observe half the shit you're describing. :rofl: I'm not saying it doesn't happen. You're just being hyper-sensitive to it because you disagree with it.

NEED-A-VETTE 10-29-2012 2:00am


Originally Posted by RED-85-Z51 (Post 797760)
Straight men...if you went to your proctologist, and you walk into his office for a prostate exam, and you see gay pride stuff on his walls, pictures of him and his boyfriend...can you honestly say that beyond the shadow of a doubt that you feel comfortable with him fingering your asshole?

Yes he is a denying that...but can you say that you would be as comfortable with him, as you would someone that you didnt know their orientation at all?

This is a ridiculous question. I have had male gynecologists. Should I walk out of the office because he's a heterosexual male that is attracted to females, since I am a female? Should my assumption be that he cannot be professional simply because he is attracted to females?

ft laud mike 10-29-2012 2:04am

Service wise, I really never cared about the sexual orientation of someone, as long as they could perform the necessary tasks/ duties they were required to do, they could be a one armed chimpanzee with aids,... IDGAF.
Civilian wise I could care less about gay marriage, If they want to get married, go for it.. they should be able to be as legally miserable as the straight people.
I'm assuming that the religious people are upset that the homosexuals want to be married in churches, ok, if the religion is against it find a church that will do it or go to the courthouse. They should have the same legal protections as others under the law, thats their right and thats what this country is about: protecting individuals rights and allowing them to be left alone as long as they are not infringing on others.

zz4vetteguy 10-29-2012 2:32am


Originally Posted by RED-85-Z51 (Post 797758)
There is no reason for it, they can come to our beaches 365 days a year, and NOT do that..but they feel that for 3 days, they MUST do it.

Ok, but that argument can be used for ANY group gathering...Kind of like Cruise-In at the NCM, it is open all year long, there is (or I should say was) no reason for all those people to show up and hang out in parking lots for that one particular weekend.

BTW, on a side note, as someone who used to work for the toursim department or a resort city...those people who storm the beachs are renting hotel rooms, eating out, buying spending money and helping out your area's economy

zz4vetteguy 10-29-2012 2:49am


Originally Posted by ft laud mike (Post 797763)
I'm assuming that the religious people are upset that the homosexuals want to be married in churches, ok, if the religion is against it find a church that will do it or go to the courthouse. They should have the same legal protections as others under the law, thats their right and thats what this country is about: protecting individuals rights and allowing them to be left alone as long as they are not infringing on others.

But that is just it, on both sides it is nothing but a petty word game at this point. And I would agree with those spouting out about the sanctity of religious marriage, but for most it does not mean what it used to it is just a generic word, like people calling all soda's Coke...lets take those who are divorced...they broke their vows to god about "good times and back, in sickness and in health, till death do us part", or those that are married by Elvis, or in a donut shop by a baker...

Or my personal favorites (like two friends of mine who are against using the term marriage for gays because they say it is a sacred religious right between a man a woman and God) Yet got married by a Justice of the Peace, and requested no mention of God because they did not want a religios ceramony. :confused5:

Like everyone else, I use the term marriage generically...but I could really care less if it was called Prissy Purple Platterpus Pumpkin Parade

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